Next 9.2 is out!

The React Framework for

Lightweight Apps

Why Next.js

The world’s leading companies use and love Next.js

Server Rendering

With Next.js, server rendering React applications has never been easier, no matter where your data is coming from.

Static Exporting

No need to learn a new framework. Exporting a static site with Next.js is as easy as a single command.


Next.js comes with styled-jsx included, but it also works with every CSS-in-JS solution you know and love.

Zero Setup

Automatic code splitting, filesystem based routing, hot code reloading and universal rendering.

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Fully Extensible

Complete control over Babel and Webpack. Customizable server, routing and next-plugins.

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Ready for Production

Optimized for a smaller build size, faster dev compilation and dozens of other improvements.

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Who's Using Next.js

We’re honored some of the most talented creatives out there build with Next.js


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